27-29 High Street, Drayton
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

0845 5432144

01235 420517


Parking Space Marker / Delineator (50-pack) -

Parking Space Marker / Delineator (50-pack) -


In stock

Delineators for use with the 40mm Permeable Paving Grids (GM/0040)

Diameter: 60mm

Spacing: 330mm (1 marker per tile)

Minimum 5 markers required for each 5m line

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Permeable Paving Grid Delineators

Accessorise your green car park with delineators that can be inserted into the 40mm Permeable Paving Grids (GM/0040) to delineate parking spaces and other boundaries.

The delineators should be installed prior to filling the grid cells.

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